Professional Development

Here are a few links that can help your professional development journey! These are definitely not the only services and programs available through VCU, so keep an eye out for other opportunities. If you have suggestions or new programs you think other graduate students would be interested in, please contact us!


A great resource focused on examining your skills, interests, and values, along with discovery of careers best suited to you. Check this out and and get your advisor involved too!

VCU Career Services

Provides services to graduate/ professional students and postdocs such as resume/ CV development, cover letters, interview tips, and networking opportunities. In addition, they have introduced new online tools focused on professional development (Beyond the Graduate School & The PhD Career Training Platform).

Preparing Future Faculty Program

A course series offered to graduate students interested in pursuing careers in higher education.

COVES Fellowship

A 12-week program that provides graduate students and postdocs in the STEM fields an opportunity to work in a legislative office, executive agency, or policy office in Virginia. This is a great fellowship for those interested in policy and communication as a future career option.

  • Expected Deadlines for VCU: March 6