Student Admissions Ambassadors, VCU

Become a representative of VCU!


About Us:

Student Admissions Ambassadors serve as the face of VCU! Ambassadors work with the Office of Admissions to help recruit freshmen and transfer students to VCU. Many prospective students receive their first introduction to the university at the hands of student ambassadors who volunteer their time to give campus tours and attend Open Houses.

In helping prospective students and their parents discover VCU, Student Admissions Ambassadors have the opportunity to share their own unique experiences and encourage others to become part of the university. Ambassadors take pride in their school and enjoy being role models for both current and prospective students.









Member Benefits

Being a student ambassador is both a privilege and a responsibility. Student Ambassadors are the face of VCU, and often are THE deciding factor in a student's decision to come to our university. VCU Student Ambassadors are trusted by VCU to give tours to prospective students, interview candidates, and other important VCU guests. Student ambassadors are compensated by getting access to early registration, SAA swag, and events such as banquets. Ambassadors are paid hourly during VCU breaks.


The main job of Student Admissions Ambassadors are to give campus tours. Ambassadors walk families across campus to introduce prospective students, their parents and other guests to the Monroe Park Campus. Tours usually take about an hour and cover residence halls, academic buildings, and popular student spots. Ambassadors typically give one tour every week, or one tour every 2 weeks.


Being a Student Admissions Ambassador looks great on your resume. It is a great opportunity for VCU students to improve their public speaking, leadership, and customer service skills - all while being a trusted representative of their university!

Open Houses

Several times each semester, VCU holds open house and preview days for prospective VCU students. Student Admissions Ambassadors assist at these events by giving tours, giving directions, and generally making sure each guest is accommodated for!

Judeah Hackett Profile

Judeah Hackett

Director of Membership
Kevin-Allen Harris Profile

Kevin-Allen Harris

Kelsey Betancourt-Villavicencio Profile

Kelsey Betancourt-Villavicencio

Vice President of Finance and Events
Maya Singh Profile

Maya Singh

Director of Logistics
Mya Jones Profile

Mya Jones

Director of Membership
Halea Pitts Profile

Halea Pitts

Jenna Rettie Profile

Jenna Rettie

Director of Membership


Student Admissions Ambassadors, VCU

1111 W Broad Street
Richmond VA 23220