RamsConnect User Guide

Welcome to RamsConnect! RamsConnect is the platform for all student organizations and events at VCU. As a new student or a returning user, this guide will help you learn about all of the great features included in your RamsConnect account! We recommend looking through all of the topics below.

Find Events

Quickly and easily find events you're interested in! Register for your spot and sync your events with your calendar!

Find Groups

Find new groups to join and stay connected with other group members, information, and new events.

Stay Informed

Access information from your groups, events, and other students. Set your notification preferences to get updates in the best way for you.

Stay Connected

Download the RamsConnect app on your phone! You can use the app to stay connected and check-in to your events faster!

  • Overview of RamsConnect

    What is RamsConnect?

    RamsConnect is the primary platform for all student organizations and events at VCU. You can use RamsConnect to join groups, find events, and connect with other members of the VCU community. RamsConnect is managed by VCU Division of Student Affairs and is powered by our vendor CampusGroups. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by emailing ramsconnect@vcu.edu.

    A Quick Overview of RamsConnect

    This video provides a quick overview of some of the main features and tools available on the RamsConnect platform. Throughout the rest of this guide, you will find more in-depth information regarding these features and more.

  • Profile and Preferences

    Customizing your Profile

    Basic Set-Up

    To edit your profile, select your profile in the top right corner (it looks like a profile picture circle).

    - To see your profile at a quick glance: select the edit pencil next to your name

    - To edit your entire profile: select Edit Profile

    Choose Your Interests

    - Select Edit Profile

    - Select the Interests tab

    - Select and edit any of the fields that apply to you

    Privacy Settings

    While editing your profile, select Privacy Settings on the left-side menu or from the drop-down menu under your profile picture.

    - Review the available options and each checkbox. If checked, that item will be visible to other users.

    - Customize your privacy settings to your preferences.

    Notification Preferences

    RamsConnect users can receive notifications based on their groups, events, and interactions within the platform. Everyone receives general notifications within RamsConnect and you can manage which notifications you want to receive and customize how those notifications are delivered.

    - While editing your profile, select Notification Settings on the left-side menu or from the drop-down menu under your profile picture.

    - Review the available options for your notifications and edit to your preferences

  • Groups

    Your Groups

    You can quickly see all of the groups you've joined by selecting the My Groups button on the Home Page, or by selecting My Groups from the main menu on the left.

    Find New Groups

    You can find new groups and look at all of the groups in RamsConnect by selecting Groups on the top navigation bar.

    - You can search for a specific group by using the search bar.

    - You can view all of the groups in RamsConnect by selecting the blue All Groups button at the top right.

    Joining a Group

    Once you have found a specific group you are interested in, selecting the group's name will take you to the group's page in RamsConnect.

    - On the group's page, select About to view more information about the group, including who to contact.

    - If the group has open membership, there will be a blue Join Group button on the top right.

    - Selecting Join Group will add you to the group and allow you to receive updates regarding events and group announcements, as well as stay connected with the group and other members.

  • Events

    Your Events

    You can quickly see all of the events you've registered for or attended by selecting the My Events button on the Home Page, or by selecting My Events from the main menu on the left. If you're using the mobile app, you can find this by going to the Events tab and then selecting My Events.

    Find New Events

    You can find new events and look at all of the upcoming events in RamsConnect by selecting Events on the top navigation bar.

    - You can search for a specific event by using the search bar near the top left of this page.

    - You can use the different filter options next to the search bar to help filter through all of the upcoming events and find specific events you are interested in.

    Registering for an Event

    Once you have found a specific group you are interested in, selecting the event's name or the green Register button will take you to the event's page.

    - On the event's page, you can view more detailed information about the event, register for the event, and add it to your calendar.

    - If the event is open for registration, click the green Register button to complete your registration. This will add you to the event as a registered attendee and notify you if there are any updates regarding the event.

    Sync to your Calendar

    You can always manually add events to your personal calendar by selecting "Add to Calendar" on an event's page. However, you can sync your calendar with RamsConnect so that when you register for an event, it will automatically be added to your personal calendar.

    - Go to the main "Events" page by selecting Events on the top navigation bar.

    - Select the Sync button near the top right of this page.

    - On this new page, select the blue Connect My Calendar button and then you can sync your Google or Office365 calendar.

    - You can also use this link to go to the "Synchronize my Events" page.

  • RamFeed

    What is the RamFeed?

    The RamFeed is a community feed where you can post announcements, news, events, questions, links, and documents. There is a general community feed where all RamFeed posts are shown, as well as sub-feeds including Lost & Found, Buy & Sell, and Academic-related posts.

    Using the RamFeed

    The RamFeed can help you stay informed and connected with the campus community at VCU. You can post, like, and comment in the RamFeed like you would on other social media platforms. However, you are still responsible for the communications and content that you add to the RamFeed. We ask that all users abide by our core VCU values of civility and respect, as well as the policies for use of RamsConnect (which can be found on the Homepage left menu under VCU links, or at this link).

    - Find the RamFeed using the widget on the Homepage or by using the Homepage left menu.

    - You can then see all of the posts on RamFeed and can scroll, like, comment, or post something new.

  • Directory, Emails, and Chat


    You can use the Directory to find and connect with the VCU community, including all current VCU students. You can connect with other students, view their profile, and send a message.

    - Access the Directory by using the widget on the Homepage or using the Homepage left menu.

    - You can search by name and use filters like graduation year and similar interests.


    All of the emails your receive from RamsConnect (including your Group's emails and newsletters) can be found on RamsConnect in the Email Inbox. RamsConnect will connect with your normal, provided email (ex: your @vcu.edu email), but you can also check for group emails and newsletters using this inbox as well.

    - You can access your RamsConnect emails and newsletters by using the Homepage left menu and selecting Email Inbox.


    You can send and receive messages from other VCU students using the Chat features built-in to RamsConnect.

    - You can access your messages in Chat by using the Homepage left menu and selecting Chat.

    - You can start a new Chat with someone by connecting with them via the Directory, or by creating a new message in Chat and selecting the person it should be sent to.

  • RamsConnect Mobile App

    Download the RamsConnect Mobile App

    The RamsConnect Mobile App is available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for both iPhone & Android. You can search for it in the app store or use this link.

    Using the RamsConnect Mobile App

    You can use the RamsConnect Mobile App to quickly access RamsConnect and use all of the main features that have been mentioned in this user guide.

    - View the events you've registered for, quickly check-in to events, and look through all of the upcoming events you might be interested in.

    - Quickly check the RamFeed and Chat for updates, as well as get notifications on your phone when your event or group has an update.

    - Use the Discover tab to find new events and groups that you might be interested in.