2024-2025 SLA nominations
are now closed.

Thanks to all who who submitted a nomination!

We look forward to celebrating with all our nominees and winners this year on Thursday, April 17th in the Student Commons. The award ceremony is an invitation only event. Invitations will be extended in March.

The student organization office is thrilled to announce VCU's Student Government Association as a co-sponsor for the 2025 awards.

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    Who can submit a nomination?

    Any student, staff, or faculty member can nominate an individual or organization for an award.

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    How do I submit a nomination?

    Head to our Award Descriptions page to view the available awards. Once you've selected the award you want to submit a nomination for, click on the title of the award and that will send you to the submission form.

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    Can I nominate myself or my organization?

    YES! Self-nominations are encouraged and in the case of certain awards like the VCU Alumni Award, required.

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    Do more nominations equal a better chance at winning?

    Not necessarily! The quality of the nomination and the thoughtfulness behind it is the biggest factor in selecting award winners. In other words multiple nominations don't guarantee wins.

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    Can I nominate for multiple awards?

    Absolutely! Just make sure to write a nomination that is specific to the award you are nominating for.

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    What information do I need to submit a nomination?

    Make sure you have the correct name(s) and VCU email(s) for the nominee, and be prepared to submit a response to an award-specific question or prompt.

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    When are award winners announced?

    Award winners are announced during the Student Leadership Awards ceremony on April 17th. More information will be coming soon about this event.