Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Embrace the principles and spirit of the Kappa Delta Rho Gentleman, treating all those we encounter with dignity and respect; Work diligently in the pursuit of our education, understanding that we are students first and that the quest for knowledge is an endeavor which will last a lifetime; Meet all of our obligations to the Fraternity in a timely manner, so as to ensure that we are doing our share and that we are not a burden to our brothers; Engage in the service of mankind, not for the praise or recognition that such service may bring, but because it is the right thing to do; Serve as our brothers' keepers, holding them accountable for their actions as they hold us accountable for ours, and Support our Alma mater, that she may view Kappa Delta Rho as a partner in the development of her students.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Mark Arrington Profile

Mark Arrington

Marco Lacruz Profile

Marco Lacruz

Jackson Evans Profile

Jackson Evans

Sujay Seshadri Profile

Sujay Seshadri

E: donnellanel@mymail.vcu.edu

Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity

907 Floyd Avenue
Richmond VA 23284
United States