Competitive Team

Please note that for the 2022-2023 school year we will have a 30 person limit for comp team members in order to give the best coaching experience possible to our comp team climbers.

What is Comp Team?

Our comp team is for any VCU student who wants to take their climbing to the next level. No tryouts are required. We only ask that you are committed to the team and show up to practice ready to work hard and have a good time.

Practice Times/Days:

Monday 7:30pm-9:30pm at Peak Experiences RVA

Saturday 1pm - 4pm at Peak Experiences RVA

Dues (per semester)

There are 2 dues options for Comp Team.

1. Full USAC Collegiate Competitor - $35 that goes toward either a Introductory or Full USAC Collegiate Membership

If you choose this option you are committing to compete at the highest level of collegiate climbing. An introductory membership will only allow you to compete in local USAC comps, and a full membership will let you compete in locals and go to Divisionals and Nationals (upon qualification). You can always start with an introductory membership and upgrade to the full (for the difference in price) prior to Divisionals. Learn more at the links below!

*Note if you choose to purchase a Full USAC Collegiate Membership upfront at the start of the fall semester, we will waive your spring dues.*

2. General Competitor - $35 that goes toward entry into one local, non-USAC, competition

As a member of Comp Team you are expected to attend one competition with the team per semester. While you do not have to do the USAC Collegiate circuit, there will be local competitions hosted by fellow universities that we will attend as VCU Climbing Club. Most of these comps have entry fees ranging from $20-$40, so your dues will pay the entry fee of the comp you choose to attend.


While we do not have hard requirements for Comp Team, we do expect and highly encourage that you abide by the following to enhance your experience and that of your teammates' experience:

1. Attend one competition per semester

2. Attend Monday and Saturday practices at Peak Experiences

3. Attend one Recreational Club Meeting at Cary Street per week. The purpose of this is to interact with the rest of the club, make new friends, and get to know the rest of the climbing community at VCU.