Registered Student Organizations - Service
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Arjun Jagdeesh, Email group officers
Mission AUCTUS supports VCU's mission to "engage all undergraduates in research, scholarship and creative expression." As a nationally recognized research university, VCU is championing the concept of an active, student-driven education. In accordance with this ideal, we are a student-run organization that gives a public forum for students to express their intellectual pursuits. Our commitment to collaborative scholarship with the university and the community at large furthers the initiatives of VCU and strengthens VCU's status as a premier research university.
Membership BenefitsThrough a rigorous review process by student reviewers, editors, and faculty advisors, we publish undergraduate work in the fields of humanities, social sciences, STEM, and the arts. Because of our online platform, AUCTUS is able to support interactive, multimedia works in an easy-to-navigate format. This allows us to showcase a large range of pieces that other student journals cannot. All published research and works of creative scholarship are uploaded to Scholars Compass, VCU's research database. Scholars Compass articles appear on search engine results, which enhances the readership of the articles and facilitates academic discussion beyond VCU. All Scholars Compass articles will have an associated DOI.
Lifetime membership